345 children received uniforms from PUSH

The organisation named ‘PUSH’ distributed school uniforms to 345 children and handed out 70 food parcels to the parents who are beneficiaries of the organization.

The organisation named ‘PUSH’ distributed school uniforms to 345 children and handed out 70 food parcels to the parents who are beneficiaries of the organization.

Bongi Banda from PUSH explained that the organization which is a non-profit, has been doing these distributions for the last 21 years, however, it is the first time that they give the beneficiaries everything at once.

“In previous years, we would distribute the food parcels while waiting for funding to come through for us to purchase the school uniforms and sanitary pads,” she said.

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Banda further explained that with the pandemic, it is emphasized to keep clean and wash our hands all the time. “Many children come from homes with parents that were retrenched from work, they were fired and they cannot do their piece jobs anymore, so we know for sure that it is every child’s right to get an education and with that, it is important for them to look good, smell good and to feel good no matter where they are coming from or their situation at home.”

The food parcel consisted of; mealie meal, cooking oil, tin fish, baked beans, lentils, samp, toilet roll, soup, rice, toothpaste, dishwasher, washing powder, salt, sugar beans, just to name a few.
The sponsors who made these donations possible were; Sanlam Foundation, AHF Foundation, and Kinderfonds MAMAs.

“The overall event went well because the guardians of the children were so happy, they were not expecting that their children will get a full school uniform which included; shoes, vest, tights, shirts, pants, socks, schoolbag, toiletries and dry-macs. The children were also very excited about their uniforms,” concluded Banda.

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