Vegetable garden feeding those in need in Eldorado Park.

Feeding the community, one crop at a time.

Inzala Trading and Projects founded by Yasmeen Younes and Theo Maree in 2013 has finally grown its vegetable garden to feed those who are in need in the community of Eldorado Park.

“My passion has always been in agriculture because I grew up on a farm, we were forced to move into urban areas during the Apartheid era but that did not stop my passion. In 2013 I started cleaning the area in Extension 8 where I live.

“The passage was used for illegal dumping and even though we kept cleaning the area, people still dumped. We wanted to start a vegetable garden but the ground was not good for the crop to grow there. I kept on bothering the ward councilors for space where we could grow the crop,” said Younes.

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After seven years of struggling to get an area, former Ward Cllr Fazel Jaffer allowed Inzala Trading and Projects to use a piece of the yard at the Don Mateman Hall, behind the council office.

Younes said that she is very thankful to Jaffer for allowing them to assist in the community. This area is now the first official vegetable garden of Inzala Trading and Projects.

The founder added that she also pays her employees for assisting her with the labour in the vegetable garden.

Derick Booysens busy in the vegetable garden.

A resident by the name of Irene Williams received a few vegetables to take home and feed her family on March 2. Younes would like to grow more vegetables so that they donate the produce to feeding schemes and more residents who are in need.

Being hopeful, Younes shared that she wishes that government or big companies can assist her with getting her land so that she can grow vegetables for more residents to benefit from her project.

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