Pimville community invited to join ‘Stop GBV’ campaign

Non-Profit Organisation (NPO), Livumile Icamagu Foundation has called on the community of Pimville to be part of its first 'stop-GBV' campaign to be held on Human Rights Day, March 21.

Non-Profit Organisation (NPO), Livumile Icamagu Foundation has called on the community of Pimville to be part of its first ‘stop-GBV’ campaign to be held on Human Rights Day, March 21.

The NPO was founded by Thandie Banjathwa, Emily Ramasunzi, and Boniswa Banjathwa to foster community-building initiatives, one of which, is the fight against Gender-Based Violence (GBV). Thandie urged the community to come and be a part of the conversation.

“We encourage everyone to come and join us on human rights day, we cannot turn a blind eye to victims of abuse and we must continue to have these conversations,” she said.

[also read] –  Educating Pimville residents on social ills perpetuating GBV

The event is set to be held at Onions&All Restaurant in Zone 1, Pimville at 12 pm. People Opposing Women Abuse (POWA), Sonke Gender Justice, the GBV Command Centre, and Tears Foundation are all expected to be in attendance and will be educating the public on issues surrounding gender-based violence. The day will feature performances by local artists and poets.

No fee will be charged for entrance into the event, instead, people will be required to donate at least one pack of sanitary towels. These sanitary towels will be collected and donated to young girls around the community the following day. strict covid-19 safety protocols will be observed and the wearing of masks will be mandatory.

Livumile Icamagu Foundation was also recently responsible for a clean-up campaign of Zone 1’s neglected park and Thandie said that this was just the start.

“We are slowly growing and still have big plans to build our community. From education to arts and sports. We want to work hand in hand with schools and the public to build a society that will help generations to come,” she concluded.

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