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Exploring the world through Jay-Visuals

When it comes to content creating and visuals art, John Mathibeng better known as Jay-Visuals from Eldorado Park, extension 8 has got his hands in it.

When it comes to content creating and visuals art, John Mathibeng better known as Jay-Visuals from Eldorado Park, extension 8 has got his hands in it. ‘Jay’ comes from his first name and he added ‘Visuals’ to it because he has always loved the photography world.

Mathibeng was 17-years-old when he discovered his passion for the industry. The now 21-year-old shared; “I was that guy that liked to take selfies, and there was one day when I just flipped the camera and started taking photos of trees, the sky, everything. My friends then encouraged me to take it up as a career.

Most of my friends are musicians so I started taking photos of them, doing their promo-arts, and their music videos as well.” The visual artist started with a phone, then went from hiring a camera to now owning one.

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“The passion runs deep in my DNA; I just wish that one day my children will also have this type of passion running through their genes. I’m still trying to find my genre in photography still but I know that I do love fashion. I now capture random people who are fashionably dressed, I stop them in the streets and ask if I can take a few photos of them and I make them feel good,” added Mathibeng.

His plan for this year is to get a new camera so that he can have the equipment that is required of him in the photography industry. In the future, the artist would like to step into the world of cinematography so that he can make short films and creative videos. “I would love to start earning money for the creative photos that I take.

It’s challenging to get buyers for photographs so that is why we as photographers have to look at photoshoots and events to make an income,” said Mathibeng.

His advice to the up-and-coming photographers is to use what you have, do not be limited, don’t wait for you to get expensive equipment, be creative with what you have.

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