Mbalenhle Maseko from Protea Glen did not lack confidence about her Grade 12 performance

The Minister for Basic Education, Angie Motshekga was pleased to announce that at least 76.2% of learners passed for the 2020 Academic Year.

The Minister for Basic Education, Angie Motshekga was pleased to announce that at least 76.2% of learners passed for the 2020 Academic Year.

The announcement came after a long wait and many rumours of the pass rate had drastically dropped, Motshekga said, “I am grateful for the learners, teachers, and everyone who helped us hold up the helm. The results were reported by Umalusi to have no system irregularities and Umalusi approved the results.”

, she said, “During the pandemic, preparing for the exams was not easy.”

She elaborated that supplementary programmes like Winners Programme gave her the necessary tools she needed to grasp concepts with more light.

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Maseko said, “By teaching us the fundamentals of Grade 12 Mathematics and Science within the 2 months pre-lockdown, which was very helpful when it came to studying alone at home, I made a lot of improvements.”

Maseko explained that what worked for her was being consistent and managing her time well, as well as practicing the basics of difficult subjects and understanding them thoroughly.

Maseko said, “I worked hard so that even when I came across difficult questions, I had the basics that I needed to apply myself when dealing with those questions.”

What didn’t work for learners like Maseko was not being able to physically attend class and learning every day, being in the comfort of her own home, and having to rely on school-based television programs, which she said: “Are set during odd times of the day, some at night which were not productive because one couldn’t ask questions where one didn’t understand.”

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