Tyrese Jurzaan(15) shares how he overcame bullying

Jurzaan advises those bullied to not keep quite but speak to their parents.

Tyrese Jurzaan, a 15-year old from Eldorado Park was a victim of bullying. He shared how he learned to grow through it.

“I was in Primary School in Grade 2 when the bullying started. It was never physical bullying it was always verbal, they always made remarks about my appearance and the way I carry myself.

“I never mingled much with my peers, I always found that it was better speaking to older people than to people my age. I was very anti-social and I’m an introvert so I think that’s why they picked on me,” he explained.

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Jurzaan added that the bullying shaped him into the person that he is today, but it didn’t take much control over his life because he had his mother and his sister to support him.

“Whenever I reported the bullying to my family, they would go in the next day to the school. Reporting the bullying and speaking about my feelings is better than bottling it all up, it also helped my relationship grow with my family because we spoke and bonded. That was my counseling, I never went to any formal counseling sessions,” said Jurzaan.

The fifteen-year-old shared advice to anyone who is being bullied and that is for them to speak to their parents. “I know that it’s hard and that there may be a lot of criticism that comes with being the victim but it’s better to speak out.”

Through all of the experiences, Jurzaan turned to music and started putting his emotions and everything that he’s been through onto paper and then onto a beat. He will soon be releasing his EP and shared that he will be sharing it with us.

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