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Black Hoodie Zombie’s call for aspiring artist to be given a chance to shine

Dedela abanye ntwana music video will be released on Friday, August 21.

Karabo Moeketsi was born and breed in Pimville Zone 1. He explained that his stage name was inspired by the fact that he owns a lot of black hoodies and the fact that when his mother died, he felt like a part of him has died with her.

He said from the start he used to rap with sorrowful events that he experienced in the past. Last year November he dropped a single titled “Positive energy”. Moeketsi said he is looking forward to the release of his music video.

The rapper explained that through his song “Dedela abanye” is simply trying to tell artists who have been hogging the limelight to give others a chance to shine.

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“Give new artists a chance to shine with their new sound. As an upcoming artist we know that no matter how talented you are it’s difficult to break into the music industry unless you have connections,” he said.

He said he plans on using different music platforms to market the first music video that he has done independently and hopes that it should open closed doors for him. His plan is to also submit it to music channels with the hope that it might get some airplay.

Black Hoodie Zombie has been in the music industry for close to seven years. He stated that when Covid-19 hit the country it gave him a chance to work on his music.

The local artist was fortunate to have Vu Palmer from Los Angeles (LA) on a track called “Elevate” and he is also busy working on 2 tracks with a United Kingdom-based producer called Karim.

He concluded by saying that he continues pushing positive energy, although sometimes they might trip and fall they will continue pushing.

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