Eskom assures that technicians still attend to electricity faults

Eskom asks people to respect COVID-19 regulations.

With the number of people infected with COVID-19 in Gauteng having escalated, Eskom has continued to ensure that the people have lights, but keeping in mind their employee’s health safety, they have urged the people to refrain from interfering with their technicians while they undertake their duties.

The spokesperson for Eskom, Tumi Mashishi said, “Although we follow the COVID-19 regulations and apply all the preventative measures, it is concerning that we observe more people gathering around the employees of Eskom while they are busy undertaking their operations.”

Mashishi explained that other people even attempt to report their complaints to the technicians on-site in breach of the lockdown regulations and social distancing protocols.

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Eskom as one of the essential services providers has continued to make sure that the communities within Gauteng have warmth, lights, and heat during the lockdown, however, with the behavior the people have shown, even Eskom Employees are prone to get infected.

Above the people’s interference, the people even expose themselves to the risks of electricity by getting to close to Eskom’s infrastructure themselves, causing disruptions.

Mashishi said, “Eskom strongly cautions the people against these behaviors.”

Eskom has reiterated that their employees will always follow the COVID-19 protocols when having to visit any house for services and the people are asked to always be mindful of the regulations and respect them or the employees can refuse to perform their work because of their health safety.

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