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Pimville soup drive educates about GBV

The soup drive proceeded to nearby areas such as Pimville Zone 2.

With Gender-Based Violence statistics rising every day, Atlehang foundation held an informative soup kitchen for the Pimville community at Meli’s place.

It was not only about feeding the community but more about raising awareness about GBV which is a social problem in the country. While the attendees were having their meal the founder of Atlehang Foundation Lebohang Leuta was educating them about GBV.

She explained that they teach boys about the importance of respecting women and teach girls to know their worth. Leuta said women depend more on men and sometimes tend to forget their worth.

[also read] – Pimville organisation gets a positive feedback

Leuta said everybody matters and that is why she thinks that a boy needs to be given attention because they also need to be groomed into a better generation.

“We need to help them understand that it is important to respecting the other gender,” she said.

She added that many mothers do not give their boys attention, they do not take care of them, they do not focus and they don’t groom them because they place all their focus on raising a girl child not realising that they neglect them.

Children enjoying their soup and bread.

Leuta feels that all the negligence they experience affects their future.

She asserts that today there are men who are bitter because they were never given a chance to speak out about their problems.

“I wish a male child could be supported, groomed, and loved because most of them come from broken homes and do not have people to talk to which is where the problem starts,” she said.

In conclusion, Leuta alluded that her dream is to see a generation that believes so much in themselves that they know they owe no-one anything.

Lebohang Leuta dishing up soup in Pimville.

She added that she wishes that young people succeed without depending on anyone.

“We need to raise a generation that understands that nobody owes you anything, you are your own person and you need to go out there and make things happen,” she said.

She extended her gratitude to Meli’s lounge, Sasko, and Vumatel for making the day a huge success.

The event was evidence that charity organisations should not compete but support each other in doing good for their communities.

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