Portfolio Committee of Transport called on Rea Vaya to improve it’s service

The Chairperson of the committee, Mr. Mosebenzi Zwane, said the committee received numerous complaints from the commuters at some of the Rea Vaya bus stations.

The Portfolio Committee on Transport has called on Rea Vaya Bus Service to improve its service to commuters in order to play a meaningful role during this challenging time.

The committee visited taxi ranks, bus stations, and OR Tambo International Airport recently in the Gauteng Province, to assess their readiness for the advanced level 3 regulations.

The Chairperson of the committee, Mr. Mosebenzi Zwane, said the committee received numerous complaints from the commuters at some of the Rea Vaya bus stations. “The committee witnessed first-hand inefficiencies Rea Vaya would have improved. On the last leg of our oversight on Friday, the committee will see if it could visit some of the bus stations again,” said Mr. Zwane.

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Mr. Zwane said public transport should be used as a springboard from which to relaunch the economy post the lockdown. Rea Vaya should improve on efficiency with an understanding that affordable and safe public transport is the backbone of the economy, and the bus company should ensure that it plays its meaningful role.

“The bus service should not be the source of frustration in our country.”

The committee is satisfied with contingency plans at the airport.

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