Reading to Improve South Africa’s literacy crisis

Statistics rank South Africa amongst the worst in early learning literacy. the World Read Aloud Day seeks to curb this trend.

Section 29 of the South African Constitution states that everyone has the right to basic education, and yet, 24 years into Democracy, South Africa still faces a neglected literacy crisis.

A 2016 study by Progress in International Reading Literacy ranked South Africa last out of 50 countries studied.

The study found that 78% of Grade 4 learners in South Africa could not read with understanding.

These shocking statistics are why initiatives such as World Read Aloud Day are so important.

The Global movement, created by LitWord, aims to help everyone improve their reading by challenging participants to pick up a book and read it aloud to either a buddy or an audience.

World Read Aloud Day is celebrated every year on the 5th of February every year.

South Africa faces a unique struggle, it the only country in the world with 11 official languages.

The Importance of understanding each of these languages is key bridging the various racial and tribal.

In such a diverse environment, literacy and language pro-efficiency is vital. As per the #WorldReadAloud movement, we should all be readers.

Graphic Novels are some of the best ways to integrate kids into the habit of reading.

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