Closed roads on Reverend Modise as Meadowlands residents protest over electricity outage

The protest started yesterday and Ward 43 Cllr Happyboy Molobye said some Wards in Meadowlands have been experiencing power outages for days.

Meadowlands residents took to the streets barricading Reverend Modise road and other parts of the area. The concern is that they have been without power for more than four days and it makes their livelihood difficult.

The protest started yesterday and Ward 43 councillor Happyboy Molobye said some Wards in Meadowlands have been experiencing power outages for days.

“It is due to cable fault at Eskom Mofolo sub-station however Eskom technicians are on-site fixing it and electricity will be restored immediately after it has been fixed,” said Molobye.

[also read] – Breaking News: Angry Meadowlands residents take to the streets

Sergeant Octavia Thebe said the police had to use rubber bullets to disperse the crowd after the protesters became violent when the JMPD tried to negotiate with the community members to open the roads. According to the police statement, no injuries and incidents were reported to the JMPD during their presence at Rev. Modise Street, Meadowlands.

“We understand their frustration but innocent people are suffering and that can lead to arrest.

“If they want to protest they must follow the right procedure and not barricade the roads because they are disturbing other service delivery,” said Thebe.

More to follow

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