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Keanu Golden (22) determined to sustain himself and build an empire with his unique takkie washing business.

We are all born with a gift' - Keanu Golden.

22-year-old Keanu Golden is a man with a plan to beat unemployment. With the ever-increasing unemployment rate, especially among the youth, Golden is determined to sustain himself and build an empire with his unique takkie washing business.

“I left school having only completed Grade Nine. I was often told that I wouldn’t be anything and that I wouldn’t make it in life, but despite the ridicule, I remain focused on my personal growth,” said Golden.

“I worked in Cape Town for a while but the longing to be home had me back in Eldorado Park without a job. I came back intending to find work this side but deep down I always knew that I wanted to start my own thing, I just didn’t know what,” he added.

Golden said that the idea to start his own takkie washing business started when his sister asked him to wash her sneakers.

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“She paid me to wash her sneakers and told me that every time I washed her shoes they looked brand new, and there it was, my business idea came to me at that moment. I then decided to use that money to create and print out my banner,” said Golden.

“Once my banner was created I posted it on Facebook and received over 2000 shares, the support from my family, friends and the community has been amazing,” he added.

Golden also admits that it hasn’t been an easy journey.

“It takes hard work and determination. This is my job, I work from 6 am to 6 pm. I want to encourage the youth to believe in themselves, I’m not saying they shouldn’t finish school but I want them to know that there is life for people who cannot read or write. We are all born with special gifts and mine happens to be my hands,” said Golden.

When asked what his goals are for his business, he said: “My short term goal is to have my container by early next year. My dream is to employ the youth and expand my business, I see it going beyond Eldos,” he said.
Golden Takkie Wash has grown since its inception 10 months ago.

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