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Illegal Dumping – a health hazard and a continuous use of resources

Councilor of Ward 69 Genevieve Sherman shares her concerns regarding the illegal dumping.

Illegal dumping is, unfortunately, one of the first things which people see when they enter into our communities, it is on corners, in open spaces between houses and near fields.

Councillor of Ward 69 Genevieve Sherman shares her concerns regarding the illegal dumping in the area. We met with Sherman and Melvin Jacobie, operations manager at the Waterval Pikitup Depot on corner Hay and Florida Street in Westbury.

“I asked for the interview to raise awareness. Pikitup has to come and clean-up this area at least once a week, they clean the area and within hours, illegal dumping takes place again. It’s also an unhygienic situation that the residents are faced with. My appeal to the residents is for them to please take their bins out on the days allocated for collection – if that is done then this won’t be happening.

The illegal dumping in Florida Street, Westbury.

“I would also like for residents to name and shame the culprits who are dumping illegally because there are huge fines, this is by-law infringements,” said the councillor.

Jacobie added: “We usually have four-ton trucks and one TLB (tractor loader backhoe), those are the resources that we use. We usually spend two to three hours to clean-up here but these are resources that we could use elsewhere but this is a reoccurring issue. I’ve tried on many occasions to educate residents; the main problem is that residents pay guys to dump illegally. The other problematic area is in Kretzschmar Street.”

Cllr Sherman shared she has discovered that residents who do not take their bins out on collection days pay people R10 to dump their waste and it is these people who are dumping on the pavements.

[also read] – Councillor of Ward 69 Genevieve Sherman shares her concerns regarding the illegal dumping 

“About a month or two ago, we caught in the act, a company from Emmarentia who came to dump rubble here, fortunately, one of the pro-active residents held the driver here and we called Johannesburg Metro Police Department (JMPD) and he got a fine of about R10 000 for illegal dumping. Residents must help us keep the City clean. We have ‘A Re Sebetseng’ the clean-up campaign by the mayor.

“My appeal is to residents to partake in the initiatives that we have because that will also give them a sense of ownership, take pride in your community,” concluded Cllr Sherman.

Pikitup collection days are on Tuesdays in Westbury and for most of Ward 69. If you would like to send your tip-offs you can Whatsapp or SMS: 082 779 1361 or Joburg Connect 011 375 5911 (after hours) or 011 375 5555 (office hours).

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