Metrobus unbolt three new sales outlets for their commuters

Acting managing director of Metrobus Xoliswa Mkhize said they monitor their services on a monthly bases to ensure that the commuters continue to access quality severs.

Metrobus is on a drive to relief commuters by bringing severs closer to them as they unbolt new sales outlets in Eldorado Park and Thuso house in Braamfontein and at Kunene street near Mapetla park in Protea North.

MMC for Transport, Cllr Nonhlanhla Makhuba said Metrobus’ vision is to increase passenger accessibility to public transport by ensuring that, all seven regions in the city have sales outlets, where passengers can buy and load tags.

“As we celebrate transport month, we take pride in opening more of these centres, which will help improve the use of public transport in and around the city and to reduce traffic congestions on the road,” said Makhuba.

Word 14 Cllr, Makapane Mokwena stated that the recent developments mean a lot to the people because they were affected by long queues and sometimes not having access to the bus in preferred time.

“That is why we brought the MMC here so that those issues can be addressed, our people should be at work on time and they should able to recharge their tags at their own determined time,” said Mokwena.

Acting managing director of Metrobus Xoliswa Mkhize said they monitor their services on monthly bases to ensure that the commuters continue to access quality severs.

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“We always analyse the challenges we have for instance we know that we have an issue with the reliability of our buses and we always try to understand why is the reliability of self service is a problem,” said Mkhize.

Mkhize added that they acknowledge that they have an old fleet of buses, she said only 37% of the buses are new the rest are old but again they need to look into how to maintain the buses.

“One thing we identified is that we need to have a 24-hour service from the tactical department, that is the department that is responsible for fixing buses, what we want to do is to ensure that we repair our buses at night when they are at the depot,” she continued.

“The other thing we have done is to connect the market research to try and see where our high and low demand is and we realised that if we can do trip optimization we will reduce trips where they are not needed.

We realised that we can release about 27 buses from areas with low demand and allocate them to high demand areas,” said Mkhize.

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