Lovemore loves to inspire trough entrepreneurship

Muzokura showed love and dedication for his work until he decided that it was finally time for him to gain independence and learn how to be a legitimate entrepreneur.

Starting from the bottom as an entrepreneur without any funding or financial backing may seem like taking on a mountain at first, but the love for people and whatever you do has been enough to keep Lovemore Muzokura in the game so long even after facing the storms and tsunamis of life as a young entrepreneur.

Muzokura who started his own welding workshop from nothing but the image of black excellent in his mind explained that what has kept him standing even after so many times he almost threw in the towel was the fact that he believes in himself and his vision.

Muzokura who started learning the skill of welding as a very young man said, “Even though I have had to work for a company briefly, I have always known and wanted to run my own thing so that I could change not only my life but the lives of those around me as well.”

Gaining experience, Muzokura showed love and dedication for his work until he decided that it was finally time for him to gain independence and learn how to be a legitimate entrepreneur.

Muzokura said, “I always knew that juggling work and running a successful business would not be easy so I set my mind and myself to it and because nothing is impossible, I managed. But the love for what I do and for the people who support me always keeps me diligent or else I probably would have given up a long time ago by now.”

Muzokura said, “I just want to inspire everyone coming after me and show them that if you really have a dream and you go after it without looking back and giving up, it will happen in due time.”

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