Debt rehabilitation for struggling households

Dobsonville resident Themba Mkhize said it would be most welcomed to have debt reduce.

The City of Joburg recently approved a breakthrough debt rehabilitation programme for households who are unable to keep up with their monthly service instalments.

According to DA Joburg Acting Regional Chairperson Tsepo Mhlongo, the program will bring financial relief to residents who re owing on their municipal accounts. “At least 50 % of their debt will be written off if they meet the following criteria. The account holder’s account balance is in arrears for 90 days as at 30 June 2019,” said Mhlongo.

He said the combined gross income from all activities of the account holder\s and spouse must be between R4750 and R22 000 per month and the market value of the properties owned by applicant must not exceed R600 000.00.

“The City will embark on a roadshow in August to educate residents about the programme. Residents who meet the criteria can start applying for debt rehabilitation in September,” said Mhlongo.

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Dobsonville resident Themba Mkhize said it would be most welcomed to have debt reduce.

He said there is high unemployment rate in this country and the cost of living is too high.

“Debt rehabilitation will help most struggling families. I will definitely go to register because my family depend on my monthly grant.

“Over the past years, I’ve been seating uneasy asking myself if the municipality will evict us as our municipality debt continue to escalate high. The initiative is a great relief to most house owners in the City of Johannesburg,” said Mkhize.

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