Eldorado Park Traffic Solutions ensuring that residents and learners arrive alive

The EPTS has been assisting learners to cross Union Road, which is one of the busiest roads in Eldorado Park.

Eldorado Park Traffic Solutions (EPTS) has one goal, and that is to ensure that residents are safe at all times when crossing busy roads within the Greater Eldorado Park community.

Michelle Gardner, who is the founder of EPTS said that the programme is close to her heart because most school goers walk to and from school on a daily basis.

“We don’t only focus on scholar patrol but we go to different schools in our area and teach the learners about road safety, we teach them about basic road signs so they know what to do when we are not around,” said Gardner.

Michelle Gardner helping learners and parents cross the road.

The EPTS team has two rotations, one from 7 to 8 in the morning and another from 2 to 3 in the afternoon.

“These are peak hours for learners when walking to and from school, so we make sure we are present every day.

“It was a struggle in the beginning when launched the initiative in 2015. It took us years to get to where we are now.

“Motorists have started getting used to seeing us on the road and some even stop to thank us.

“Parents and learners are appreciative too,” said Gardner.

The EPTS has been assisting learners to cross Union Road, which is one of the busiest roads in Eldorado Park.

Gardener said that the team plans to move to the Golden Highway because many learners from Freedom Park cross the busy road on a daily basis.

“We also plan to cover the corner of Ascot and the Main road because the robots there are never working.

“We also plan to go to Klipsoruit. The ultimate goal is to cover each and every school in our community but we can only do that once we get more volunteers on board,” said Gardner.

The scholar patrol team.

“We have met up with JMPD and they are willing to assist us.

“We haven’t received formal certification from them yet but I can confirm that the department of community safety is working hand in hand with aswell so our training ultimately comes from them,” said Garder.

Anyone who would like to join the EPTS team can contact Michelle Gardener on 074 220 2827 or visit the Eldorado Park Traffic Solutions Facebook page.

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