Electricity, water, sewerage, illegal dumping and housing issues addressed in Diepkloof

Diepkloof residents expect service delivery.

Tsepo Mhlongo addressing the attendee. by Caxton Urban News 2

The community of Diepkloof got an invite to a public meeting with MMC Ntombi Valencia Khumalo and Tsepo Mhlongo to discuss their burning issues at the Welfare Center.

Electricity, water, sewerage, illegal dumping and housing issues were discussed in the meeting that gave every attendee the freedom to express their issues.

MMC Khumalo who sat through the meeting to listen to the people, stood up and addressed the people about how to get assistance from the City of Johannesburg’s (CoJ’s) Extended Social Package (ESP.)

Khumalo said, “We want to bring dignity back to our people and decency and we want our people to be able to receive fair, just and decent public services.”

DA Member of Parliament, Tsepo Mhlongo spoke in depth about how people should exercise their right by voting and riding the country from corruption and unfairness.

Mhlongo who explained the distinction between Eskom and City Power mentioned that having communities from the same society being supplied by two different power utility companies is like dividing the country. Mhlongo said,

“If we have high class people living in the suburbs being serviced by City Power, while the lower class is being supplied by Eskom, then how have we become a democratic country where every citizen is equal?”

The meeting saw a few of the people from the community attend.

Tsepo Mhlongo at Welfare Center.

Mhlongo said, “Borrow us your votes so we can work for you and bring positive change, and if we do not deliver to our promises, the people can vote us out of power.”

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