Eldorado Park Youth Social Crime Prevention Cadet Programme eager to change the community

Turning the tide in Eldorado Park.

Friday, March 5, marked the official launch of the Eldorado Park Youth Social Crime Prevention Cadet Programme, a first of its kind, not only in the community but countrywide.

The Cadet programme comprises of young men and women from the Greater Eldorado Park community who are eager to change the community for the better. 100 brave young men and women have committed to changing the tide within the community.

Anti-drug activist, community leader and founder of the Yellow Ribbon Foundation, Dereleen James addressed attendees at the launch and gave background to what the Cadet programme entails.

“For too long, we have been labelled and known as a drug infested community, for too long we have been listed as the community that contributes to the high domestic violence statistics, for too long we have been known as the community that burns down infrastructure, our children are being arrested and parents are forced to visit them in prison, we are known for all the wrong things, but that stops today,” said James.

General Khehla John Sitole was in attendance to congratulate the many young men and women.

“We are no longer going to be known as a community of crime, instead, this community will be known as the blueprint to the rest of South Africa. We are taking charge and waiting is not an option anymore, change will start now,” she added.

According to James, the purpose of the Cadet programme is to work on ensuring the community is dignified and united. The youth is disciplined and eager the serve the community.

“We have sat back for too long and justified our wrongdoings, we have blamed unemployment when people committed crime. There may not be jobs but there is someone in this community that needs our servanthood and these young people are committed to stepping out and serving the community,” said James.

Community leader, chairperson of the Local Drug Action Committee and founder of Comeback Mission Cheryl Pillay spoke about the hard work and dedication of the leaders to ensure the community progresses positively.

“Everything that is done in our community is never an ‘I’ but rather a ‘together’, so we need to work together and support these brave young men and women who will actively be involved in the uplifting the community,” said Pillay.General Khehla John Sitole was in attendance to congratulate the many young men and women who will be giving up their time to work in the community.

When addressing the Cadets, he encouraged them to remain motivated and stay focused on their goal, he also explained that the responsibility the Cadets have is of great magnitude and encouraged them not to take it for granted.

Sitole announced that the Cadet programme will be regionalised and that the Eldorado Park Cadets will be the pioneers of the programme.

Several community leaders, activists, pastors, police officials and military veterans gathered at the Yellow Ribbon Foundation in Extension Four to celebrated the Cadets.

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