Tackling life hurdles with entrepreneurship

“I always instill the spirit of frugality unto my employee so that he can be able to see his financial status improve as well.” - Mike Mapanganani.

Life’s journey is not often very straight for most and Mike Mapanganani (28) knows all about life’s hurdles and heeding advice to go over them.

Life seemed to be looking up for Mapanganani who started working with his late father in his previous company until his father sadly passed away three years ago, Mike mentioned that is when life started to be real for him and he had to incorporate all of his father’s wise words into his life to go on without him.

Mapanganani said, “My father always forewarned me that after his passing life would not be the same and that his company would let me go. But my late father whom I was very close with taught me that if I am frugal with money, then I will be good.”

Mike who had completed a plumbing and tiling course is very good with his hands had has always desired to be an entrepreneur who would walk after his previous schools’ master steps by helping the orphaned and poor to get an education.

Mapanganani explained that his long term vision is to open a Day-Care chain where he will help little children get the solid foundation of education that would in the future help them learn to be independent.

Mapanganani who took after his father’s business of supplying gas called Switch on Gas even went on to sponsor and help his one employee to get his drivers license so that his now owned business would be effective.

He said, “I always instill the spirit of frugality unto my employee so that he can be able to see his financial status improve as well.”
“I am using my Gas distribution business to fuel myself to get to my destiny, which is helping people acquire education.”

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