The Victory Outreach Recovery Home

A beacon of restoration.

For years the drug pandemic in Eldorado Park has attached a stigma to the area, creating the perception that it is a troubled community. Despite the drug problem, there is a beacon of light which has changed the lives of many individuals struggling with substance abuse and addiction.

The Victory Outreach Recovery Home is a non-profit organisation which caters to individuals who have fallen prey to substance abuse. Cindy Greef, who has been a part of the organisation for some time now, said that the recovery home is one of a kind.

“I say this to people all the time, this place is holy ground, anyone who sets foot into our doors comes out a better person. We’re not a conventional rehab facility, in fact, we are not a rehab. Here we believe in the word of God, the power of prayer and discipline and no medication is given to our residents,” she added.

Bongani Makhebene, who is a graduate and a director at the home said that he was an addict himself and that the home saved his life.

“I came here a broken person, I lost everything because of my habits but here I met people who I now consider my family. The support received here makes you want to be a better person. The purpose of the home is to reclaim and restore men and women whose lives have taken a turn for the worse because of addiction and prostitution,” he added.

Makhebene said that the home focuses on three key values. “We focus on the commitment to Christ, restoration of family and a good work ethic, paired with responsibility. At the home Bible teachings, one-on-one counselling, family support group sessions, as well as integration back into the community, is something we do on a daily basis,” he said.

Kirwin Leisegang, one of the residents at the home opened up about his journey with substance and said that the home has changed the way he views life.

“I used drugs for nine-and-a-half years. I started off with the Hookah pipe and as the years progressed, I craved something stronger. I started smoking weed, then cat, mandrax and tik. You name it, I’ve tried it,” said Leisegang.

“The day my mother passed away was when I gave up on my own life, it’s like I passed away too. I found myself with the wrong group of friends and it only went downhill from there.

“I did anything to get my hands on my next fix. At the beginning of last year, I just woke up wanting better for myself, I was tired of the life I was living. I ended up at Victory Outreach and I’ve never consumed drugs again,” he added.

Victory Outreach Recovery Home has committed itself to host drug awareness rallies and life groups throughout this year. Anyone who needs help can visit the home on the corner of Mahonie Crescent and Mapelaberg Streets in Extension Three.

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