Infant allegedly suffocated and dumped

‘Why kill an innocent child?’

A recycler from Lapland opposite Extension Four in Eldorado Park, made a gruesome discovery on September 3 as he was sifting through a skip, searching for recyclable material.

As he was going about the business of earning his living, he stumbled across the body of what turned out to be a full-term infant in the six metre skip he was rummaging through.

Well known anti-drug activist, Dereleen James, whose Yellow Ribbon Foundation is near the site where the discovery was made, said, “The body was found by a Lapland guy.”

This in reference to the area along Union Road which serves as the base for the recyclers who can be seen carting their material through Eldorado Park streets every day. The horrific discovery, it was reported, was made opposite
the Ext 4 flats, which are known locally as ‘Varke Yard’.

According to EMS officials, the baby was full term and it is alleged that the infant was born alive, suffocated and dumped in the skip.

James added, “The full term baby was found wrapped in pyjama pants and residents have already come forward with leads.

Residents gathered at the scene opposite Lancevale Secondary School to witness the tragedy. The week before, the community paid tribute to 4-year-old Shaynice Talla who was also murdered a year ago.

The Eldorado Park police were on the scene and a detailed report is yet to be released in hopes that the parents of the infant will be identified. ”

It it so disturbing that people are able to kill such innocent precious human beings. Why kill an innocent baby? Things just aren’t getting better in our community. Drugs, crime and murders seem to be ongoing, when will all this end?” said Nikita Meyers, a resident who was on the scene.

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