A Pikitup strike can threaten human health

Waste products that are dumped in the area course land pollution and give rise to diseases such as Malaria, Cholera and might be dangerous to children.

The Pikitup strike has dragged much too long for the community members to be suffering the effects of it. For close to two to three weeks now that the waste collectors have not been collecting waste in most areas around Soweto.

Residents have resorted to emptying their bins in an open area around the places where they reside in. Yes for others it’s a relief that their bins are empty but becomes a health hazard to the people who live near the open areas.

The open areas are now full of all kinds of waste materials or products. how long will they continue keeping up with the flies and big rats in their yards?

Waste products that are dumped in the area course land pollution and give rise to diseases such as Malaria, Cholera and might be dangerous to children as they often play in these open areas. Community members are now living with fear for their health.

The strike started on July 26, it is alleged that the strike is illegal and the protesters are demanding to be given a permanent employment by Pikitup. The strike has coursed a rapid rise to illegal dumping.

On September 6, Pikitup News Archives released a statement that five suspects were arrested for attempted murder after attacking the General manager of Pikitup. It stated that the suspects were amongst people who were picketing outside their offices.

A community member who lives near an open area around Orlando said she is tired of trying to stop people from dumping near her house and wishes the strike would just end so that the Pikitup people will just come and clean the open space near her house and people will just stop dumping.

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