Their magic is bigger than their workshop

The seed is growing.

Bonded by the love of art, a group of artists does what they love in a small backroom but their magic is bigger than their workshop.

Seed Of Life Production is the baby of Lerato ‘Sevndais’ Ntshwele who has been involved in Youth Projects, community projects, arts, film and musical projects.

The company was founded and on July 24, 2008. The group had their first project where they had to organise an event for a company called ‘The Job Shop’.

Showcasing their artwork.

“In 2009, we ventured into church ministries with audio-visual communication, capturing videos of the services and audio producing both DVD and Cds for congregations.

“Music production studio was born where we produced music, radio jingles for SME’s,” said Ntshwele.

Last year the group produced their own film titled Delusion. He recalled one of their successful work that took place in 2010 when they organised an outdoor bioscope for the people of Orlando East. That’s where the journey to success for the seed of life.

The seed is currently bearing fruits as they recently partnered with Gauteng Provincial government where they provided them with visual arts and they got a chance to showcase their beautiful work.

The group deals with fashion, printmakers, and visual arts and crafts.

“As From August 2018, we would be operating in Johannesburg CBD, Loveday Street and Main Street at London House Building floor 8 room 811 where would be rendering our services from.

“We are now focusing on Fashion art fusing art into fashion setting a trend and also found a niche after 10 years of existence,” concluded Ntshwele.

The objectives of the company are to develop creative people into the TV and Film industry, to create business opportunities for artists and to increase a diversity of our income streams.

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