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Eskom engages with Sowetans

Although the community tried several times to show their grievances towards Eskom they still installed prepaid in other sections.

Although community members tried several times to show their grievances towards Eskom they still installed prepaid in other sections.

People boycotted, barricaded roads and marched to Eskom offices to negotiate with the above-mentioned company they still insist that they want to upgrade their system.

The Democratic Alliance held a meeting in Orlando East to report back on the public Enterprise about the oversight visit that was conducted in Soweto last year May 17. This report was compiled by the portfolio committee.

Tshepo Mhlongo.

Amongst the attendees of the meeting were the Manager of Eskom Diepkloof Depo Hendry Mtshali and the speaker of Councillors Vasco Da Gama. The committee conducted a door to door to residents of Diepkloof Phase one, Orlando and Pensioners of the area from last year March 22 to March 24.

They received petitions from the communities they visited, the petitions were sent to the National Assembly by Mhlongo.

The struggle to stop the installation of prepaid started back in 2015; the people had hopes that the National Assembly will be able to stop the installation.

Tim Thema.

People who were in the meeting wanted clarity on how these prepaid meters were installed without their consent and Moipone Rakosa explained the problems they have with these new meters.

She said they were given cards that they always recharged with only to find that those cards had problems. She added that when they reported the matter they were promised a refund and even today they have not received it.

Thandi Mchunu said she has been working hard to fight corruption in Soweto, where she alleged that councillors are corrupt. Other community members attested to what she was saying and said they have never had meetings with the councillors.

Moipone Rakosa.

Majority of them complained about meetings that are held in different schools when they have two big halls in the community. Mtshali said they believed they needed to have these upgrades as Eskom because the old electricity was dangerous and often tripped during winter.

He said people can control their electric billing and can only negotiate a flat rate with people who have fully paid their debts with Eskom.

But they could not understand what he was saying and wanted clarity on how the billing is conducted to his surprise people alleged that proper training was not conducted.

Hendry Mtshali.

And he said they received feedback that people did receive training and they signed that they are okay with prepaid.

“I remember the last time when we were here with our vans we were chased away from the area,” said Mtshali.

Da Gama asked Mhlongo to send a detailed email that has all the complaints of the people. Soweto East 1 Acting Chairperson Tim Thema said they elected block committees but they have not met since January and explained their role which is to report back to the people and Thomas Makhaphela who occupies the environmental position confirmed what he was saying.

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