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PICS: “Girls, stay in school and take care of your bodies”

Sponsor want to give back beyond the present moment.

On June 8, Dischem Mondeor made it possible for the Yellow Ribbon Foundation (YRF) to take wellness to girl learners at Lanceavale Secondary and Eldomain Secondary Schools in Eldorado Park.

The wellness drive aims to keep girls at school during their menstruation time as some of them often miss school because they cannot afford sanitary towels.

YRF founder, Dereleen James, said, “Many girl learners have been staying absent from school and when they are asked why it is often because of their period.

James Andrews and his Dischem Mondeor team who distributed the sanitary towels.

“Many girls can’t afford sanitary towels. The purpose of today is to ensure that our girls stay connected to education by ensuring that they have their monthly sanitary towels.”

The girls were addressed by James Andrews, the store manager at Dischem Mondeor and his colleagues Mercia Hayes, Tanya Kruger, Sekake Koetepe, Bhavika Nathoo, Puleng Malinga, Rose Mashinini, Riccardo Mbagane and Mpho Mokanyane.

The Dischem team encouraged the girls to stay in school and to take care of their bodies.

The Dischem Mondeor team who distributed the sanitary towels.

Andrews said, “Our national stores held a sanitary towel drive a few weeks ago and we wanted to make sure our girls in Eldorado Park benefited as well.

“High school girls need it more, we have realised how important it is to give back, we hope to teach these girls the importance of wellness.”

Each girl learner received at least two packs of sanitary towels.

“A box will be left in the principal’s office in case of emergencies. Girls are welcome to ask for towels should they need them,” said Dereleen.

Dischem Mondeor has realised that majority of their customers are from Eldorado Park, “We appreciate the community’s support and we want to give back somehow.

“If there is prescription medication or the value of the goods is over R100, delivery will be free. We want to give back beyond today,” said Andrews.


Tessa Armien addressing the girl learners.

James Andrews motivating the learners.

Sanitary towels were distributed at Lanceavale and Eldomain Secondary Schools.

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