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VIDEO: Good Samaritan with a helping hand

Project brings solutions to the Bheki Mlangeni Hospital.

The Ekurhuleni Jewellery Project last week conducted an act of kindness that has the potential to change the way people think and conduct themselves.

An employee from the jewellery company saw a dying need at Bheki Mlangeni Hospital and decided to do something and be part of the solution instead of adding to the problem.

After Neelam Madhav found himself at the hospital coming to visit a friend who was sick, he walked outside for a smoke and he happened to see what he called ‘a grave of dead wheelchairs’.


After that sight, Madhav had a revelation to do something for the hospital because he knew he has the potential to contribute towards positive change for the hospital.

“After seeing the wheelchairs, I decided to come back to the hospital and ask around to see how I can arrange with the hospital to come and fix some wheelchairs,” he said.

One of the factors that motivated Neelem to fix the broken wheelchairs at the hospital was that his grandmother is wheelchair bound and he has experienced what she has to go through.

“This one time I realized the difficulty of moving around when you’re in a wheelchair and motivated me to modify hers so that she can move around more easily.

“So after I saw the broken wheelchairs I then decided to come and fix these ones.

Madhav brought along five of the employees he works with and along with his own equipment to the hospital last week Wednesday and managed to fix more than 10 broken wheelchairs from the hospital.

Tokollogo Toku with Precious Mokhomana fixing a wheelchair.

Neelem Madhav showing how he modified a wheelchair.

Precious Mokomana fixing a wheelchair.

Precious Mokomana with Gift Kubheka fixing a wheelchair.

Some of the wheelchairs they have fixed.

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