“I have been praying and asking for God to help us find his family”

Looking for family in Soweto.

The duration that Adolfus Kometi has been lost from his family is unclear and he has been staying with Nikki Williams and her family since September last year. According to Williams, Kometi had a stroke and as a result, it has affected his memory.

Williams said, “We have had a forensic fingerprint search done on him, but nothing came up.”

Adolfus Kometi does remember that his sister, who he has forgotten her name, lives in Dube in Soweto.

Williams and family have already gone to Soweto, according to her, it was by an absolute miracle how Kometi recognised an area and they found people he once built a house for, the grandson remembered him, even though he was only 8 years at the time and said Adolfus and his grandfather were both builders, but unfortunately the grandfather died three years ago.

Kometi keeps on saying his family must be looking for him.

Williams said, “How he landed up in Pretoria is something we can’t figure out. I took him to the doctor and we discovered that he is on blood pressure medications.”

Williams spoke of how desperate for him to find his family, she said, “Because without them what is his future. He says he originally came from Empangeni and I think his children are in Natal.”

Kometi can write and often narrates amazing stories to the family.

Williams said, “I have been praying and asking for God to help us find his family. Somewhere there are children wondering where is their dad. My husband and I are in our seventies as well, but will never just turn him out; we will continue to support him until it dawns.”

People who can recognise Adolfus Kometi can call Nikki Williams at 083 305 5850.

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