Journey of empowerment for Diepkloof youth

Youth empowering the youth.

The current youth has taken it upon itself to empower each other, so they have been on a journey to raise funds for Segametse in an event that is aimed at empowering young women and echoing the message that they are precious as females.

The school’s Miss Diepkloof for the year 2018 will be crowned at Ekhaya Centre on June 16 in a pageant that is set to reassure the women that they are the rocks of the nation that should not be disrespected and violated in any way.

The organiser for the pageant, Matukiso Makutoane explained that now they need a sponsor for at least the winner to get the opportunity to further their studies so that it would be lucid that education is the key to liberation, regardless the gender.

Makutoane’s daughter who already holds four titles as the young Ms Lovely Legs and the Queen of the South, mentioning a couple, said, “We want to rid our society of the stereotype that June 16 is a drinking bout day and the day when the youth goes haywire, so the pageant is meant to empower the youth, especially young women in their skins.”

The organising team consists of young women from around the community who just want to use their experiences to help the young girls coming after them to not fall into the same traps of society.

One of the organisers is, Ofentse Raborife who said, “We want the young women especially to know that no man has any right over them.”

The event is planned to have historical lessons of what took place in the country before it became a democratic country because it is said that to understand the present and future, one needs to understand and accept the past.

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