‘There’s always a way out of poverty’

Young and ready to work.

The Dependable Strength Workshop meant to ready the youth for work and workplaces urged the people to believe and use their skills more either than depending on the qualification.

It is always advisable to go further your education at tertiary level, however, the ones who may not have had that privilege were encouraged to not despair but to utilise their talents and skills to get ahead.

The project manager for the Dependable Strength Project, Motlatsi Ramphomane was energised by having to bring the project in Soweto, Diepkloof specifically.

Ramphomane said, “When we were born we were born with inner strength but as we grow we bury that strength, so we are here to reveal the pattern of that inner strength.”

Caroline Letlhatlhe of Dependable Strength hails from Diepkloof like Ramphomane; Letlhatlhe spoke at the workshop as well and explained that the workshop is a project that focuses more on the strength where the skills are found then used.

Ramphomane said she would like for the youth to attend the workshops and use the tools that are given to them at the workshops because they will open doors.

The workshop helped the attendees build character and self-confidence and addressed the incident of being in the wrong workspace.

Monica Miya, a youth who as at the workshop to upgrade herself said, “I have learned that confidence comes from within and no person can give it to you, but you can learn it.”

The workshop was brought by Dependable Strength in partnership with Social Development.

The youth were given exercises to perform at the Welfare Centre where Mondli Khumalo said, “I figured out how it is all about self-empowerment and I truly feel like my mind has been unlocked.”

Patronella Kose, Caroline Letlhatlhe, Motlatsi Ramphomane at the Dependable Strength workshop.

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