VIDEO: Eldos community furious over alleged attempted kidnapping of school girl

Not for sensitive viewers: Things got out of hand when an angry mob beat two men suspected of attempting to kidnap a child.

Things almost turned nightmarish for a primary school learner on her way to school in Old Eldos this morning.

Two men, believed to be recyclers from Lapland, are purported to have grabbed the young girl and attempted to stuff her into the bulk bag on the trolley they use to transport their material.

According to a source at Eldorado Park Primary School, a general assistant at the school was alerted to the girls screams and came to her aid. The two men fled on foot and the young learner escaped.

The situation turned hairy when residents assaulted two men who they accused of being the would-be kidnappers. The school principal, fearing that they would be beaten to death, gave them sanctuary at the school and contacted the Eldorado Park police.

All this, while the angry crowd which had gathered outside the school were baying for their blood. The educator, who requested anonymity, said that threats were made against teachers and the school principal for providing a safe haven for the two men, who- according to her-were not the culprits in the earlier attempted kidnapping incident.

The angry crowd followed police to the Eldorado Park Police station, burning tyres and barricading the Main Road and calling for the men’s release.

More information to follow.

Also read: Man’s body found in a pool of blood in Kliptown

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