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Black XO School Tour – #BrennanBates

Brennan Bates, the spirited relentless being.

Declan Damoense’s alter ego spits fire.

Hip-Hop rapper Brennan Bates, more formally known as Declan Brennan Damoense is a spirited relentless being, bent on bringing music to a new level of understanding and expression. He was born on July 3, 1993, in Eldorado Park.

He has stemmed his roots deep in his culture as a coloured man growing up post the apartheid era. Aged 24 and bursting with fiery ambition, Brennan Bates forms part of an eclectic record label called Studio 7.

Brennan Bates’ focus in rap music is heavily influenced by the world in which he lives and the oppressive forces of the system. This is where he finds his creativity and continues to push the urban freestyle boundaries of common rap and unity amongst people.

He is a sound engineer graduate from ASE (the Academy of Sound Engineering).

Bates said, “Often people make the mistake of categorizing what we do here at Studio 7”, he mentions it is a mistake because the people who form part of Studio 7 are and always rapidly evolving into all spheres of human development.

He has a series of skill sets ranging from mixing audio to public hypnosis. His approach to everything that he does is that of a modernist hippie and he is always the one who will by no means hold back anything he has to say, whether you are in agreement coercively or voluntary or not in agreement at all.

Lyrically gifted and going places.

Alter ego Brennan Bates represents the rap artist in which Declan chooses to express lyrically.

Musically raised by his grandfather, who taught him how to play piano at a very young age, and believes that he had been born with a tongue powerful enough to redirect humanity.

his artist has a devised a set of works that will be considered extrusive from the internal universal language of the mind.

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