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Child safety is of utmost importance

Speed humps, much needed.

Over the years, the speed hump in Goud Street alongside the yard of Parkdale Primary School has been visible, but for the past couple of months, the speed hump has seemed to have lost itself in the tar.

The principal of Parkdale Primary, Gareth Griffin said, “I’m quite concerned with this mini tuck shop here when the kids cross here over the speed hump.

“I’ve brought the concerns up with the local ward councillor. We have asked him to place speed humps in all four directions and a traffic circle because it is now the second pupil that has been bumped and we would like anyone to please assist.”

Service delivery is all the school is asking for. How many pupils need to get bumped before something is done? There have been reports of two students who got hit by a car.

Fortunately, their lives are still being lived, but what if a child was bumped and his or her life was lost, what would be said then? Would the driver be blamed or the little child who doesn’t know any better? Those are the questions that will be asked.

A speed hump needs to be placed on the road before matters get worse. The current speed hump is not clearly visible and drivers are so used to the absence of the speed hump that they do not slow down when approaching it.

It is inevitable that such a situation will arise or has already risen. Something needs to happen in order for change to come along.

Griffin said that his only plea is to ensure the safety of his pupils but without the speed humps, more occasions such as those that have already transpired, will continue if nothing is done about it.

Jamiel Saptoe said, “A child is just a child, they don’t think, they just run over the streets.”

The community of Eldorado Park, as well as the concerned parents, are hoping that something will be done. Hopefully, it will be soon, before another pupil is hit.

Speed hump is no longer visible.

Children’s safety is important.

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