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We take a closer look at the Write and Smile initiative

Write and Smile.

Write and Smile is an initiative started by the Heart and Talent Foundation (HTF) in order to change the lives of the children in school, who are not able to afford stationery as they might have come out of a disadvantaged home.

Abraham Chabaesele, founder of the HTF said, “Write and Smile is a stationery drive that started in 2017, where we gave stationery to the children in Kersiedorp. We gave about 50 children stationery in Kersiedorp. This year we did a follow up on the project and decided to take it to Delrado Primary School.

“As we know the school is filled with kids who come from disadvantaged families, therefore most of the kids could not afford stationery and things like that. So we focus mostly on Grade Sevens as we have now introduced a programme with the Grade Sevens by giving them the stationery.”

The Heart and Talent Foundation Team with Councillor Jaffer.

The programme is for the Grade Sevens because Chabaesele and his Heart and Talent Foundation team would like to grow with these scholars as they go to high school.

He said, “We are going to grow with these kids, we are going to journey them into their careers and whatever it is that they want to be. We’ll be offering them services like mentoring, coaching, counselling and all of that. So we can help them with their education and so forth.”

He also said that they will be having this programme twice a term on Saturdays for Delrado Primary School’s Grade Sevens.

Grade 7 learners are now able to write and smile.

He said, “On February 10, it was just an introduction or launch of this programme, where we gave 121 Grade 7s stationery.”

He added that donations are welcome so that they can grow their initiative and take this programme to other primary schools.

Chabaesele made it clear that he would not like to interfere with the process of teaching, which is why he has the in-school programme on a Saturday.

It was not just about giving away stationery but also having fun with the learners.

(l-r) Abraham Chabaesele, Councillor Fazel Jaffer, and Llewellyn Berenge.

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