Eskom rolls out split-metering system in Naledi

Eskom goes forth with upgrades.

Following the back-to-back meetings that have been happening between the community and Eskom, a resolution of some sort has been reached.

Eskom will be rolling out their split-metering system as discussed in previous public consultations.

Starting the process during February, Eskom last week issued a statement indicating that there would be planned power outages.

The outages come as part of Eskom’s upgrading and maintenance of its network through the installation of split meters in parts of Naledi.

“The main issue we have about these split meters is that there wasn’t enough public consultation done. I’m in ward 20 and we haven’t been affected yet, but I bet you that when they start installing them this side, many people are going to have a problem.

“One example I can give is that if they start with the process without considering the elderly and needy, then people are going to fight.

“I remember in one public meeting there were talks that those who cannot afford electricity would get a subsidy or they would be exempted from paying, but if split meters are being installed before sorting that issue out, then I foresee problems,” said Peter Rataemane, a resident from Naledi.

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