10 learners receive school uniform from Riverlea Taxi Association

Riverlea Taxi Association lends a helping hand.

The Riverlea Taxi Association (RTA) partnered with Riverlea Extension Community Committee (RECC) to lend a helping hand in the community.

The two visited Wilhelmina Hoskins Primary in Riverlea Extension, to distribute uniforms to ten Grade 1 learners.

According to Freddie Chipu, the disciplinary chairperson for RTA, this was the very first contribution which the association had made to the community.

“We are the new executive board and we decided to do things a little different,” said Chipu.

“We discussed and came to an agreement that we will start with Wilhelmina Hoskins Primary School and then and then move to Riverlea and T.C Esterhuysen Primary school to help the learners there”, Chipu added.

The chairman of RECC, Fuad Erentzen explained: “We approached principal Mpho Lang and she appointed the two Grade 1 teachers to select five children from each class that is in need of school uniform.

“Over the period of two weeks, they selected the 10 children. We then went to get quotes and RTA gave us the money, we then took the children with a taxi to go buy the uniforms.”

The uniform packs consisted of a pair of shoes, sock, trousers for the boys, skirts for the girls, shirts and jerseys and it was handed over to the learners on February 9.

“We chose to help with the children because they are the future not only of our community but also of this country, but we will not only be assisting with the children of the community but also with the elderly people who need our help,” said Chipu.

According to Erentzen, the committee is hoping to do more for the school and would like to get more stakeholders involved in giving back to the community.

“We are also busy planning for the schools 50th Celebration near to the end of the year. We believe in starting here with the problem so that our community can be better,” Erentzen added.

If anyone from the Riverlea community needs assistance you can contact the Taxi Association on 011 050 0292.

RTA chairman; Ashraf Mohapi, DC Chairman; Freddie Chipu, Admin manager; Ragiema Hallim (all from RTA) with RECC members Fuad Erentzen, Daphne Hokai, and Faiza Otto.

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