GCRO embarks on biggest social survey in Gauteng

The Quality of Life Survey is the largest survey of social attitudes and quality of life in Gauteng, and this iteration is the fifth in the series of biennial surveys.

The Gauteng City Region Observatory (GCRO) is partnering with researchGo, a University of Johannesburg based team, to survey over 30 000 randomly selected Gauteng residents in their homes during November 2017 to April 2018.

The Quality of Life Survey is the largest survey of social attitudes and quality of life in Gauteng, and this iteration is the fifth in the series of biennial surveys.

The survey has been designed with the input from a range of stakeholders and gets to the heart of some of the key challenges facing the Gauteng City Region.

It includes questions on basic services, satisfaction with government, transport and mobility, livelihoods, local community and neighbourhood dynamics, health, political and social values and attitudes.

Participation in the survey is an opportunity for residents to share their experiences with government services and their life in the province.

Residents should look out for data collectors carrying identification and are welcome to phone the call centre to verify identity.  Responses to survey questions are confidential and data is anonymised for use.

researchGO Call Centre – for verification of team members/data collectors, information:

GCRO – general media enquiries: Julia de Kadt, Graeme Gotz, Rob Moore

Telephone: 011 717 7280 (Mondays – Fridays, 08h00 – 16h00)

The sample will be representative at ward level and aims to equip all spheres of government with critical, local-level targeting data needed to ensure the effectiveness of their programmes.

The survey will shed light on areas of challenge in terms of service delivery and will provide insight into residents’ experiences and opinions. As well as being used by government, findings are typically reported in the media and in academic research.

Some key results provided by the 2015 survey are presented in the infographics attached.

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