Rirhandzu Community Services is designed for women

So what is Rirhandzu Community Services all about?

Queen Oliphant of Mofolo Village launched Rirhandzu Community Services on Saturday, January the 20th.

The project is aimed at encouraging, strengthening and supporting women especially women who have experienced or experience abuse.

“I decided to start this organisation in order to help women who experience or have experienced abuse like I did in the past. They should know that it is not their fault and they can get out of such a situation,” said Oliphant.

The launch was filled with Oliphant’s neighbours, young and old, males and females.

Speakers such Angie Diale of Step-In and Promise Mkhonza- who are also a part of the organisation- spoke from the heart as they motivated the audience.

Musicians Thabani Kubheka and Amanda Ngwenya entertained the guest with sounds of the gospel while Young Voice Academy showed their impressive acting skills as they acted out scenes of abuse and the effects it has on children.

“I don’t have the word persevere in my vocabulary. Women have been taught to persevere even in the worst situations. Persevering an abusive relationship or marriage does not only destroy the woman but the children also.

“Women build homes, so be careful not to build a home of monsters. Children might not understand what’s happening but they can see what’s happening and will view it has the normal way to behave,” said Mkhonza.

“When you gossip with your neighbour, gossip about the right thing. This time tell your neighbour that there’s an organisation that has been established to help you all,” emphasised Diale.

Promise Mkhonza gave words of encouragement.

Oliphant was impressed with the launch and stated that her expectations were met.

“I wanted people to know that I’m here as a shoulder to cry on. My launch was a success as people have already started engaging with me,” remarked Oliphant. “I hope they take wisdom and knowledge after visiting the organisation”.

She also stated that she hopes to expand the organisation in future and provide better services as it grows.

Angie Diale.

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