#SundayRECAP: Children under the age of 12 are now experimenting with dagga

A drug bust in a park.

The Sophiatown police took their newest police officers out on a drug bust on January 9. With the increase of drug use, it has been estimated that 208 million people internationally consume illegal drugs.

Alcohol is listed as one of the commonly used drugs in the country with dagga being the most illegal drug used.

According to the United Nations 2008 World Drug Report, about 3.9% of the world’s population between the ages of 15 and 64 abuse dagga.

Children under the age of 12 are now experimenting with dagga. In December last year, an organisation by the name of Dare2Read had a drug talk with children from the Coronationville community.

In this talk, it was found that children from the age of 8 years old have already experimented with the drug. According to the site drugfreeworld.org, studies have shown that 50% of teenagers will use dagga before they graduate school.

The South African Bureau of Justice stated that 29% of students which they interviewed have said that someone has offered, sold or even given them an illegal drug on school premises. Area’s such as flats, alleys, and parks have also become main areas where drugs are either used or sold.

The Sophiatown police conducted a joined operation with security companies such as Beagle Watch, Apcan and Chubb National.

“We have confiscated 42 packets of dagga in a park in Newclare, unfortunately, no arrests have been made,” said Sophiatown Police communications officer Jerbes de Bruyn.

To report any criminal activity, call the emergency number 10111 or Crime stop number 086 0010 111 or alternatively SMS to crime line number 32211.

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