Afribiz Invest assists storm victims in Protea

Dealing with the aftermath of the dreadful storm.

Afribiz Invest visited multiple households and donating blankets and mattresses to the residents of Protea Glen and Bramfischerville last week. The visit comes after a hail storm and tornado-damaged properties in the areas.

50 mattresses and blankets were donated to the elderly in the areas most affected by the storm. According to Collen Mashawana (36), Executive Chairman of Afribiz Invest this was their first step towards lending a helping hand to affected families.

“Today is the first visit but we’ll come back once we have identified the things that need to be done here,” he said.

The aim is to assist four elderly residents affected by the storm in Protea Glen and Bramfischerville by repairing the damage caused to their properties.

“The driver is for us to get involved and assist different communities where we can and because Soweto currently has a situation we had to come on board and get involved,” said Mashawana.

Thomani Netshiongolane (41) a Protea Glen resident whose home was damaged expressed his gratitude to the donors.

“They are doing a good thing for us and we are grateful for the private sector also assisting us otherwise we would’ve gotten help very late.”

The destruction caused by the storm on a Bramfischerville home.

The company also donated tools to Emergency Management Services (EMS) at the Bramfischer Multipurpose Center.

“Some of our equipment was damaged while assisting with the storm so we are grateful for this new equipment that will help us when we have another disaster,” said Freddy Morukhu (41) Station Commander of the Northview Fire Station.

Protea Glen was amongst the areas declared local disaster areas by City of Johannesburg Mayor, Herman Mashaba on January 5. “It is clear that due to the extent of the damage caused, the City cannot hope to address the needs of all those affected alone,” Mashaba said.

He has appealed to civil society to assist where possible.

Collen Mashawana hands over blankets to a Bramfischerville resident affected by the storm.

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