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Rap is a form of art

Thabiso Mkhize is an aspiring rap artist.

Thabiso Mkhize is an aspiring rap-artist and believes that rap to him is a form of expression and art. Many people have talents in different aspects and more often than not, they don’t use their talents wisely. They let God’s gift to them slip away into an abyss and never return or they box it in because of a low self-esteem. Mkhize’s stage name is Thabzero.
Thabizo Mkhize
So why rap music? After speaking to the Eldorado Park reporter, Mkhize said, “Well, I chose Rap because it’s a form of expression and it painted a picture with words. I fell in love with rap because there has always been a track or beat to play no matter how I felt.” So for him, the music spoke to his emotions, it helped him deal with whatever conundrum he found himself in.
There are thousands of aspiring rap-artists who are looking to make a come up in the industry, but most of the new school cats have one voice. So what is it that sets Thabzero apart from other artists? In response to that, he said, “I’m unique and I tell my life stories with my music. Music is my life and I want the listener to learn something about me when they listen to me. My music aims at motivating and encouraging fellow peers.” For Mkhize, his music is not just about making music, it’s all chapters of his life and lesson that he has learned, and every time you hear him rap, you bound to learn something different about him.
Thabzero is an artist by nature.
Thabzero has released a new single and the track’s name is “Until We Shine.” Thabzero is the writer and producer on this track. The genre of the track falls under Hip-Hop. Thabzero is singed to the record label, Q section music which is also the publisher of the aspiring rapper’s music.
Here are the links to hear what Thabzero brings to the hip-hop world:

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