Pridigartutti’s last show encourages a bright future

Various genres in the line up.

The last show by Prodigarturtti was a repertoire of art, with not just the group performing but a various groups offering different genres.

Preparing to wow the crowd.

Xolani Mapena, the media liaison and performer for the group explained that the show was free and sponsored by the Department of Arts and Culture.

Khotso Mokhali
Entertaining the crowd.

Mapena said, “This show was like a milestone to us and we appreciate all the people who came to support us and show appreciation to our hard work.”
The Prodigarturtti group has been in the game and their last show was pretty much a snippet of what is to come in 2018. Nthabiseng Ratholo, who leads a few songs from the group expressed her excitement she said, “The talent here is enormous.”

Wowing the crowd.

The group called Dinaledi gave a passionate dance that saw the show to the second segment and to a conclusion. People who would like to know more about the show or the group that made the show a possibility can call Xolani Mapena on 073 957 6190.

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