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Break the silence against women and children abuse

Zero tolerance for women and child abusers.

The annual 16 Days of Activism is fast approaching soon and there are still people who are committing crimes such as domestic violence against their family or loved ones.

According to the Eldorado Park police communications officer, captain Phillemon Khorombi, a victim allegedly had an argument with her husband over money.

The husband accused the victim of stealing money and proceeded to assault his hapless wife.

Khorombi said, “The husband hit the victim several times on her head and started kicking her and assaulting her with his fists. The 30-year-old suspect has been arrested.”

He added, “As we enter the 16 Days of Activism, we are expecting partners to respect each other, especially spouses. Most of the time the victims are women and children. We as the South African Police Service (SAPS) are saying no to violence against women and children.”

In a strange case of attempted murder, the suspect did not comply with the rules and many are asking whether or not this was intentional.

According to Khorombi, “A 26-year-old suspect has been arrested for attempted murder. The victim was working in Slovo Park after there a complaint was lodged that certain areas do not have electricity.

“The victims went to the substation in order to repair the electricity because some people did not have electricity on Stockwell Street.”

It is further alleged that while they were working, the suspect switched the electricity on in the full knowledge that doing so could cause death by electrocution.

The suspect has been arrested for attempted murder. Fortunately, all the victims escaped unharmed.

Khorombi said, “We are saying that as members of the SAPS if members of the community see anyone tampering with electricity they should inform the supplier immediately, be it the councillors, Eskom or City Power.”

Abuse against the vulnerable has increased over the years to a calamitous point. Another young girl in Eldorado Park – only 15 years old – has fallen victim to this heinous crime.

According to Khorombi, it is alleged that the victim was relaxing at home and while she was doing this, her step-father decided to join her.

He began touching the young girl, took her to her room, undressed her and proceeded to rape her. Khorombi says that speculation is rife that this was not the first encounter of this nature.

He said, “It is further alleged that he raped her several times on different occasions. The victim was afraid to tell her mother.”

He added, “As we said, this is the month where we engage in the 16 Days of Activism campaign which seeks to prevent acts of violence against women and children.

“These are the vulnerable groups. We as men are supposed to protect them, but other men are doing the exact opposite. The victim was still very young and vulnerable.

“Victims of this crime should not hesitate to tell their parents, guardians and must report these criminal activities to SAPS. If it is not reported, we cannot take action and the criminal will continue to violate the rights of the victim who might not be able to protect or defend themselves.”

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