
Our men in blue clean-up too

Eldos police hope to clean our streets before the festive season.

With crime increasing and number of days left before the festive season becoming fewer and fewer, the Eldorado Park South African Police Service (SAPS) decided to embark on an operation to fight against crime in the community.

‘Operation Clean-Up’ started on October 20 and has been yielded positive results, according to communications officer, captain Phillemon Khorombi, who provided the Eldorado Urban News reporter with the number of arrests effected for various crimes in the policing precinct.

In one case a suspect was arrested for assault with the intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

According to Khorombi, the victim had been stabbed and was taken to the fire station after the incident. He was later transferred to the hospital for further medical attention.

Khorombi said, “A knife is a dangerous weapon, we are discouraging people who use knives because it harms many and we expect people to use knives for the right intention and not for stabbing and assaulting residents. A 26-year-old man was arrested in connection with the stabbing.”

Other reported cases included a case of house burglary where a 21-year-old suspect was arrested. Captain Khorombi said, “A house was broken into in Eldorado Park Extension Four.

“The homeowner returned home and found many people outside her yard and saw that her husband had been stabbed and was taken to away to receive medical attention.

“All the doors were forced open. The woman’s husband found the suspect in the house and it appeared that there was some sort of struggle which resulted in him sustaining stab wounds. The community assisted in apprehending the suspect.”

Ideally, siblings should not have heated arguments except for the occasional bickering, but these exchanges sometimes escalate and end in a physical altercation.

A case of domestic violence between a brother and sister was opened at the Eldorado Park Police Station and, according to Khorombi, the brother was accused of trying to douse his sister with boiling water, but missed.

“Later on the suspect boiled another kettle and then successfully threw it at his sister and which caused her extreme bodily harm. The 33-year-old man was arrested.”

The Eldorado Park SAPS are willing to make the difference in the community by providing a few safety tips as Christmas season is drawing close.

For those who will be travelling this festive season, please ensure that you avoid asking for directions as the possibilities of being misled is high. Rather look for signboards and information centres to assist you on your journey.

Captain Khorombi said, “People should plan their routes in advance so that they have all the necessary information they need.

“Valuable items should be locked in the boot. Avoid stopping along the road to pick up hitchhikers as these people may be dangerous.”

He also added, “People should also be aware of car jammers. Ensure that you lock your car properly with the key. With regards to your remote, make sure that it is locked before entering a building.

“If it does not lock, be on the lookout for the people who might be jamming your car’s security system. Avoid displaying valuables like jewellery, cameras and mobile phones.

“Your wallet should be kept in an inside pocket where it is not visible and you should not carry large sums of money with you.”

In reference to ATM cases, Khorombi said, “Do not allow anyone near you or anyone who is offering to help you. Seek assistance from bank employees. If your card is giving you problems, report it immediately as the bank will be able to assist you.

“If your card is jammed, report it immediately. After withdrawing money from a bank or ATM, ensure that you are aware and vigilant of your surroundings.

“Whether you are driving or walking, be on the lookout for people who might be following you. If you are driving and you notice someone is following you, stop at the nearest or safest location and report it to the police as soon as possible.”

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