No! means No! unless you want to go to jail

Eldos Crime Report.

Over the past few weeks, rape has become a new trend which has assailed Eldorado Park and Soweto.

The annual 16 Days of Activism is looming over the horizon and many communities are hoping that the campaign is observed by all South Africans.

On Saturday, October 14 a man was arrested on charges of rape and malicious damage to property. A 24-year-old suspect was arrested in Slovo Park, for allegedly raping his girlfriend at her home at about 1 pm.

According to the police spokesperson, captain Phillemon Khorombi, the woman said that the suspect accused her of cheating on him. He forcefully grabbed her cell phone and threw it against the wall.

Khorombi said, “The cell phone is completely damaged and is valued at R400. He went on to demand sex from her, which she refused. He was arrested and is detained at Eldorado Park holding cells and will appear in court as soon as possible, pending the outcome of an investigation into his actions on the night in question.”

In an unrelated rape incident, a 43-year-old suspect was arrested in Kliptown for allegedly raping his 51-year-old girlfriend at his house in Kliptown.

According to Khorombi, the victim alleged that on October 13 at about 630 pm, her boyfriend raped her in his house.

He said, “The complainant alleged that her boyfriend came to her place to pick her up. They proceeded to the suspect’s house and started drinking liquor.

“He demanded sex and she refused. She was feeling dizzy and he then raped her. The alleged rapist was detained at the Kliptown Police Station holding cells and will appear in court as soon as possible.”

Car theft is one of the world’s most popular criminal activities. Cars are being stolen in a blink of an eye, almost anywhere.

According to captain Khorombi, a 42-year-old suspect was arrested in Pimville for an attempted hijacking in the Kliptown area. He allegedly attempted to hijack a silver Ford Fiesta.

The would-be victim alleged that she went to Pimville, Zone Two which is next to Grace Bible Church to meet someone. On her arrival, the suspect and two other men approached her.

The hijacker strangled her and demanded the keys to her car. Captain Khorombi said, “They both fought for the possession of the key until it broke. A patrolling van stopped and came to her rescue.

“The men attempted to flee but police managed to arrest one suspect who is being detained at the Kliptown Police Station holding cells. He will appear in court as soon as possible.”

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