Redeem yourself and focus on what matters

"I am happy that there is something that I can focus on than sitting doing nothing."

Display of Sipho Mashin’s craft art.

The lively activities of Vilakazi Street in Orlando West are making a difference in other peoples’ lives.

With dedication and will to do something better with our lives, opportunities are always open in the street and Sipho Mashini makes a good example of that.

Mashini explains that life’s challenges and its inevitable circumstances can lead us off track.

“Life is full of challenges and we can not change that or give it as an excuse for us to lose directions. It is just unfortunate that in most cases we realize that after a lot of damage has happened,” he explains.

Regardless of bad choices, he made due to the unfriendliness of life, Sipho picked himself up and he is keen to do better. “After losing my parents I engaged my self in substances thinking they could solve my problems.

“But that was a mistake because instead, I made even worse choices. I am just glad that I managed to pick my self together while I still can,” He continues

After picking himself up, he took advantage of the vibrant Vilakazi Street to redeem himself. “Realising that I was going anywhere with my past life, I saw an opportunity of doing something here in Vilakazi Street.

“I started as a car patroller, where I knew I would go home with something. After I made some savings I went to bought few art crafts items to start my business. Even though it is not going that well, but slowly and a step in a day everything is going well.

“I am happy that there is something that I can focus on than sitting doing nothing. I can help my brother to stay away from trouble. People will always have something to say but it’s focusing on what you believe in that matters,” explains Mashini.

Sipho Mashini cleaning some of his craft art stock.

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