‘Gone, baby gone’

"This is where we stopped and saw the baby's feet."

The daily journey to school for many learners feels like the longest walk after they have prepared for the long day ahead, even though it’s one of the shortest experiences of a full day’s work.

No child or adult on their way to work or school could have prepared for something like this.

At about 7.25 am on October 10, Jessie Louw, an Eldos resident accompanying children to school, stopped at the bridge close to Extension One to watch the flowing water.

Louw was unprepared for the sight which hit them and said, “This is where we stopped and saw the baby’s feet.”

A foetus was found in the stream just along the banks of the stream. The size of the foetus can be compared to that an adult hand.

She added, “I stopped a few cars and asked them to call the cops for me and then they came.”

The foetus is estimated to be between three to six months.

The mother and father of the foetus have not been found. According to reports, the foetus is between three to six months old.

The milling crowd which gathered at the scene after the horrific find, asked, “What on earth could possibly be wrong with the person or perpetrator of this act?”

The Eldorado Park community is already seething after the heinous crimes which have been committed in the area and many denounced the cruel act.

The Eldorado Park police spokesperson, captain Phillemon Khorombi said, “When our members arrived on the scene, they discovered that it was a foetus and not a baby.”

A case of concealment of birth has been opened at the Eldorado Park Police Station and no one has been charged with the crime yet.

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