You’ll pay more for electricity if NERSA approves Eskom’s application

Bad news for Eskom customers

The National Energy Regulator (NERSA) urges all stakeholders and the public to participate in its decision-making processes by providing written comments and attending or making oral presentations at the public hearings.

The first public hearing will be initiated in the Western Cape province on October 30. The hearings follow Eskom’s Revenue Application 2018/19 from the energy regulator.

NERSA’s electricity sub-committee acknowledged having held a meeting to decide on timelines to process Eskom’s application.

On September 15, the sub-committee stated emphatically in a statement that, “the electricity sub-committee approved the process and timelines for processing Eskom’s allowable revenue application for the 2018/19 financial year.” [Close Quote].

Eskom national spokesperson, Khulu Phasiwe, confirmed during a telephonic interview that the entity has in fact applied for a total allowable revenue of R219 514m.

He said Eskom’s total allowable revenue application translates to a 19.9% average tariff increase.

“It was on August 25, 2017 – when we submitted an application for allowable revenue and fortunate enough, it was in accordance with the Energy Regulator decision of July 27, 2017,” said Phasiwe.

Eskom was given 30 calendar days to submit an application that complies with the requirements of the Multi-Year Price Determination (MYPD) Methodology and the Minimum Information Requirements for Tariff Application (MIRTA).

The deadline for stakeholder comments is October 13 [next week Friday]. Public hearings on the revenue application will run from October 30 – November 17 in all nine provinces.

NERSA will decide on the matter on December 7.

Written comments can be forwarded to or hand-delivered to 526 Madiba Street, Arcadia, Pretoria or posted to P.O Box 40343, Arcadia, 0083, Pretoria, South Africa. The closing date for written comments is the 13 October 2017 at 16H00.

The public and stakeholders wishing to attend the hearing or present their views must submit their request to by 3.30pm on October 23.

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