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+PHOTOS: ASHA Spring Family Fun Day a huge success

Fun Days provide a fun-filled atmosphere

Fun Days provide families and children including siblings, an important chance to bond, make new friends, share stories and enjoy some time away from school, work etc.

ASHA Pre-schools held a family fun day at the Sharp Park in Mofolo. The event was themed ‘Stimulating minds and creating the future’.

According to Godfrey Ngobeni, The Development Officer at Asha Pre-schools, the reason behind the theme, was to create a good image for the association as it had had bad publicity in the past months.

Audrey Matona of the ward committee responsible for Youth, Arts, Sports and Culture.

“Asha has been published negatively the past few months. So with the theme ‘Stimulating minds and creating the future’, we are looking into changing the image of the whole association by coming up with positive projects that will stimulate kids and bring parents together, as stakeholders,” said Ngobeni.

This was also the association’s way of raising funds to help it operate properly.

“I think the event generally served the purpose, parents left the venue with smiles. Seeing the parents supporting us in a manner that they did on the day, really motivated us, it is a sign that they haven’t given up on us, even after the bad publicity,” said Ngobeni.

Kids enjoying themselves.

Asha is 82-years-old this year and a few years back, it was considered one of the best Early Childhood Development Centres. Ngobeni said that the aim is to take it back to its normal state.

“With the 41 Centres that we have, the attendance was average, because not every centre attended as some had already planned their own events, this was planned in 3 weeks, and was therefore short notice for most. But it went beyond my expectation because we never had such an event, this was our first,” he said.

After such an event where money is involved, it is only appropriate to involve parents, give them feedback and way forward.

Kids having the time of their life.

“We are going to involve the parents through the cluster meetings that are held. These cluster meetings are our platform to communicate with the parents and build a good relationship with them,” Ngobeni said.

There was music entertainment, kids had fun playing and riding on giants’ slides, medium slides, foam pits, crocodile caskets and much more.

This was their first big event that was meant for all centres and it was a success, however, Ngobeni promises more on the next one. He said that he had a few challenges, but they were all lessons and he has learned from them.

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